Alice Woods, early 1900 –Diane Aldred Collection
The Great Aylmer Fire, 1921, view of Main Street from Driscoll House – Collection
Donate Archives

We accept donations of archives, documents and photos for conservation purposes. We are committed to acknowledging the source of the donations.  To make an archival donation, please make an appointment with us.

The Association’s archives contain an increasing number of collections related to the varied past of the region.  Within the archives, there are original registries dating from the establishment of the township of Hull in 1800, various documents and photographs showing the evolution of the region, including the registries of the Gatineau and Aylmer agricultural fairs, the prestigious golf clubs and significant collections linked to the local founding families.

To undertake research in our collections, please consult the data base of the Réseau de diffusion des archives du Québec (RDAQ), that lists a part of our archives.  In the “Advanced research” option click on the Aylmer Heritage Association to research our files. If you don’t find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us.

The archives are accessible to the public and researchers by appointment. We ask that you respect the rules established in the archives policy.  Some fees may apply.